Financial Planning

Regardless which season of life you are in, a financial plan is considered vital in working towards your goals. A well-grounded and effective plan goes beyond the realm of just investing. It also considers other elements of your financial picture, including cash flow, tax planning, retirement income strategies, insurance planning, estate planning, and much more.

By understanding the role of financial planning in meeting your short, intermediate, and long-term financial aspirations, you’ll be better equipped to control your financial future.

Comprehensive Financial Services | Salient Wealth Planning

Our Approach to Financial Planning

  • Initial Conversation: Our process begins with a simple conversation to learn more about you and your goals. This is also an opportunity for us to share who we are and start to determine if it makes sense to continue into a data gathering and preliminary analysis phase. 
  • Data Gathering & Preliminary Analysis: The next step is to gather all pertinent financial information. Assets, Investment Statements, Liabilities, Income Sources, Insurance and any other relevant financial information. With this information from you, we can prepare a preliminary analysis to identify any areas that could be improved or adjusted to help you maximize your financial efficiency.
  • Further Analysis & Implementation: After covering the steps above, we are in a better position to have a discussion about working together and what that could look like going forward. If you choose to work with us, we will then provide further analysis and help implement each area of your financial plan.
  • Ongoing Advice & Support: Once your plan is implemented, we will set up a schedule for ongoing reviews to track progress and make ongoing adjustments. We are also here for you anytime throughout the year when questions or needs arise.

Book an initial consultation with one of our financial professionals to create your personalized financial plan.

Let’s Get Started